How to kickstart a Research ....things that I've learnt from various experiences (Part 1)

I claim myself to me a Freelance Researcher, and being one, I thought I will share some very critical topics that will help a fellow budding researcher to kickstart his research -

Part 1 - Getting committed towards Research

This is the most fundamental preliminary step, it's like, you have just crawled out of the womb, which is your schooling or the ground work education, and now stand facing the huge ocean laid out in front of you - research ? job ? , there are the two main questions that you will be facing towards the end of your undergraduation. Be it an engineering stream, pure sciences, a commerce course, or electronic media, visual communication , anything you may do, in the end you will be left staring at these two questions -
There may be some who want to take research and then a job, some who want to go to job directly etc., The main difference amongst the various genre of courses you take is, some course may tilt a lot towards job (vis. comm, elec media, arts etc.,) some will give a better reason to prefer research (engineering , commerce etc.,).
Now, the next important query - 'Which will pay me more?', that's the first question any fresh UG will've to face. I'm not commenting on that simply because am still a Junior and have no idea which is gonna pay me more, but I will take up Research (and then maybe a Job). So, as for this question, people may ask their seniors, parents, relatives etc., and after a lot of mixed responses, brainwashing attempts an UG will (or should) have to decide - Research or Job ?!

Some may say - 'Job Satisfication', however in the end, it all boils down to ' will it pay me?' . There is no point in painting posters, masterpieces just because it gives you satisfication, will it fetch your daily bread ?? See, am trying to be practical.
So, in the end of the day, you chose between the corporate world or scientific world.

This article (post!) is inclined towards people who have chosen the scientific world.

Remember, any person who has chosen to do an MS or M.Tech ( with an idea that he may land up with a better job with a juicy salary ) has to submit a thesis as well and that thesis should contain some novel stuff for which you have to do some RESEARCH !!

Choosing a MS or M.Tech involves some thinking. It is not so easy to get a thesis done and get away with your masters very easily, that is if you are doing it in a reputed institute. A Masters is a very serious, yet fun, undertaking and one cannot do away by fooling around and time passing in Orkut or GTalk or Ennadu ! From my short life at IISc, I interacted with lots of masters studs, they are all really inclined towards research and show a great passion in doing some novel study. There are lots of hardships, pitfalls and long days that one might encounter and sometimes he/she might feel that her research is progressing nowhere, there are certain periods that you don't seem to understand anything at all, all those papers you read seem to be gibberish cluttered with equations, graphs, etc., Sometimes, or most of the times, you will have to do some thing that no one has ever done in before, tackle a problem that people have never even dared to think about, debug some huge problems tat may run for millions of lines, etc etc., And, there is an equally jolly side towards research, that is if you enjoy doing it, the thrills you get when you solve a problem, the unbounded happiness when you publish a paper, the joy you get when a great bloke from some of the top schools in the world commends your work etc etc.,

So, Research - getting committed towards is tougher than get committed to a person !

A person who has already decided that he is going to do research, but so far has not embarked on any such activity, kindly read on, I will be posting more Parts quite soon. A seasoned researcher may find nothing new as this is titled "How to Kickstart a Research" !

I have no reason to get you committed to research or brainwash you against a job, I just thought this might be helpful for some person who may come across my blog !


Sundar Rajan G S said...

nice post!!

But just a correction. Job satisfaction is different from pay!! :-)

All the best.. keep up the good work

The Maharishi said... may be right ! , you are the experienced man !!

thanks a lot .!! i will be updating it pretty soon...


Anonymous said...

Being Mahesh's research partner in most of his endeavours, I know how much it means to this guy and how enthusiastic he is about getting his work done and getting results. One thing I really wanna point out at this instant is that its not about the money that really drives you into research. It's more like a quest and a search for answers and when you follow the quest with such passion, you will definitely land up with wonderful results, come what may. And there's no such thing as a job in an industry pays more than a researcher or anything. True, the start maybe easier for a person in an industry but if you're not bothered about patriotism or spending your life abroad, research pays very very well and that is no understatement. It is only India, where the research field has been quite mild due to many many reasons..
But a strong advise to those who are in the crossroads of deciding their career, just follow your heart and consult elders and many experienced people. You have a passion, you follow it and try to live it. Dont go about doing anythin just because the crowd is going to it. Then, what would set you aside?? Show who you are and show your induviduality.. As long as you like what you're doing, money will come to you..