There is a lot of research going on waster water treatment - waste water from textile industries, food industries, tanneries etc., and scores of research articles are being published on novel treatment methods of waste waters.
Immediately, spontaneously any reviewer would ask - "what are you going to do with the waste you have removed? how will you be disposing them?"
I had an opportunity to interact with Prof.Yuh Shan HO, he had come down to NITT as a visiting prof. He went about explaining the above question like this - - - -
Consider the animal kingdom, you now separate all the animals that are domestic or that are not a potential threat to the humans - now compare this with a waste water system, the waste water is the animal kingdom and you separate the water (the domestic animals). So, now you have a bunch of harmless animals (the purified water) and harmful dangerous animals (the hazardous waste that was in the water).
Now, in this set of harmful animals you will definitely have Tigers and you know that tigers are dangerous and harmful - so do you go and kill all the tigers (or lions etc.,) because they are threatening ? Tigers are harmful so kill them and eradicate them ! - - is this what you do ?
Definitely no !! you take the harmful set of animals and keep them in a cage, or a Zoo or develop an artificial environment like safaris and let these animals roam free there !
Now, come back to our water system - you have now separated the purified water and are left with the waste. Now, what do you do with this waste ? why bother about this when you have what you want - PURE WATER ! take the solid waste and store them in rock solid containers, put all the chromium, lead or any damn waste in a huge container and just keep it in some place - it's not going to disturb anyone. A completely sealed container of chromium is just going to stay there - it will not disturb you ! unless you disturb it !
Why do all the reviewers worry about the disposal of the waste ? my job is to purify the waste water - waste water treatment - now i have given you the pure water - so enjoy it ! why worry a lot about the waste - you can just put it in some container and store it. Or if it can be recycled just go ahead and do it ! There is a huge discipline called solid waste management , so the blokes who do that will take care of the solid waste !
So, worry about the extent of purity that you can get and the amount of waste you are able to extract - the more waste you extract the more pure the water becomes - don't think that you are removing more and more waste and thus generating more and more waste ! you are able to get more and more pure water ! that is a trillion times more important than the waste ! remove the waste and gimme pure water - that's all your job ! how you do it and what you need to do to do that is what your research is all about !
Well , I surely enjoyed this brief discussion with him !
Now, why does all this water get polluted? who pollutes them and where does all this waste come from ? - - - The Maharishi
Tigers and Solid Waste !
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Clive Wearing - Forget me Not
This weekend, I was going through some old Reader's Digest issues and chanced upon this particular article titled - Forget Me Not - its about Clive Wearing - a noted musicologist and conductor. It featured in August'06 issue.
The article was written by his wife - Deborah Wearing and she outlines the life of her husband once he was affected by the worst case of amnesia ever recorded in medical history - anterograde amnesia.
One day Clive had a stroke of headache and the next day morning he went missing ! - Deborah complained to the local police department and they found Clive in the afternoon and his memory was completely wiped out - when the police found him Clive could not remember who he was or where he lived - but the moment Deborah entered his face lit up ! a warm glow of love and he said "This is my wife ". The local doctor diagnosed it as some harsh case of head ache that causes temporary memory loss.
The next day morning, Deborah left for work and Clive called out asking for her office phone number (it was something Clive never forgot) and he wrote it down in a piece of paper and beside the number he wrote - "Deborah Wearing"
Deborah was stunned and next followed numerous medical visits and some senior doctor said Clive is known to have the worst case of amnesia and all the memory cells in his brain was wiped out by some virus.
Since then, all that Clive remembers is his wife - and he remembers how to play the piano, when any music notes are placed in front of him he can immediately play them on a piano. Daily he wakes up saying - "What day it is ? I do not know who I'm and what I;m doing here, it's been like am dead for a long time" - but when Deborah enters - "My wife!, sit beside me" and they both have long talks marked with repeated lines from Clive, he tends to say the same thing over and over again - - his memory lasts only for 7 seconds. Initially Clive had some violent strikes and he used to break furnitures and bang the doctor's head - however Deborah used to visit him regularly and make him play the piano - it's music that served as a therapy and went beyond the power of medicine.
In the meanwhile even Deborah had violent strokes of sadness and she slipped away to New York - but the power of her husband's love - the glow in his face when he sees her and his MUSIC drew her back to him. All that Clive now cares is about Deborah and she says - "How many wives can say that their husbands care only about their wives, I'm proud to say that all my husband cares for is me"
Till this date, Clive and Deborah enjoy long hours of musical sessions where untold, unexplainable emotions transmit between them - Clive's repeated statements, every few minutes he says - "I love you Deborah" . . . .
Deborah has taken all measures to ensure that her husband always sees her and can always play the piano and is always HAPPY - - - Forget Me Not
There are certain emotions and feelings that go beyond words and gestures, thats where Music sets in - - The Maharishi
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Too much = Too Less
heeeeeyyy...come over here, it is coming here, come on fill up fast. Call only X,Y and Z and do not call everyone . Aaah, its time to take some load off me, I better do it before it stops coming.
Open . . pfftt..hissss..something trickles and sound of air and silence - - - the sound of silence.
Off he goes, with his only weaopn - a large medium sized truncated conical object, open in one end and with a handle to carry it. In it he puts his indispensable attire and carries a small bar that lathers. Bare chested and wearing only a big cloth wrapped around his waist he walks, greeting people along his path and finally reaches the arena - he is all set to fill up his weapon and fight off those dirty invisible minute dirty rascals off his skin. Creeeeeeeeekkkk! - he opens the amulet ;) and pfftt..hissss..something trickles and sound of air and silence - - - the sound of silence.
Those dirty minute rascals have won the war, the dejected warrior aint able to fill up his weapon, all he hears is - - the sound of silence, everything around him is dry, sticky, mucky and the air is stale.
Then there is this cry . . ." heeeeeyyy...come over here, it is coming here, come one fill up fast. Call only X,Y and Z and do not call everyone, else it will get over immediately."
Our warrior mounts his feet sized vehicle and gallops to the source of the sound - the battle arena in the ground floor.
ALAS ! - the arena is "overflowing" with too many warriors. He tries in vain to get a place to fill up his weapon and fight off those dirty rascals. ........ 15 minutes later . . .. ..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh . . it has stopped again . . Oh nooooo... curse those ******** . . . . pfftt..hissss..something trickles and sound of air and silence - - - the sound of silence.
Sniff..sniff ..the air is mucky, the warriors stink, stink very badly . .body odors fills up the entire scenario...........
Too much of it causes a calamity . . . .Too less of it makes you stink.
dihydrogen-mono oxide - - - - - the universal necessity
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The Ripple Effect - Struck the right chord !
"Cognitive Intelligence coupled with Organizational Behaviour results in the net overgrowth of a group, mind you - group and NOT a team. Understanding the nuances helps us grasp the cues, mind you not queeeuees , it is cues from an organization to acclivate our self esteem . . blah blah . .intelligence . . blah blah . .phsychology. . .blah blah . .SHTUdentsh "
yaaawwn...this is what we were all doing in unison during the Humanities Lecture hour. All were getting bugged up, scratching their legs, poking their pen into another's ear, tapping on the desk, messaging ....and many such uncouth stuff was going on !
Some guys were trying to crack some jokes, a few ripples here and there, some struggling to attract some people, some making all kind of gimmicks to get people to notice them ;)
Then suddenly, one guy cracked a one liner - just a single line - with a melancholic tone and a slight drawl - - in an unassuming manner and went back to his activity of scratching his legs - - - immediately a small circle around him became silent - - there was a sudden wave, a strong ripple and spontaneously started the giggling . . the ripple spread, a huge circle around him started to giggle , then snigger, then laugh , then guffaw and then to cry ! the ripple was slowly passed on and quietly died away. The people in the front or who the ripple did not touch were bemused !
There is this person, scratching his legs - the epicenter , around him there is a circle of laughing students - the wave, laughing till they cry. Outside this circle, the unaffected region was untouched, the silent observers who still couldn't get what has happened.
The observer - the professor ! has no clue what is happening, he stopped his lecture on Organishational behavioursh and was stumped !
This person, scratching his legs - struck the right chord and triggered the Ripple Effect !
Just as a ripple dies of in a few seconds, this huge small incident died off and the students continued to scratch their legs and poke their pen into people's ears, and the prof continued - "you should know how to behave in a community, mind you community not claassh . . ."
ha..ha...ho.ho..HA Ha HA...HAHAHAHAHAHAAHa...aahh.haaaa.ahahaha...sniff..hahaha.sniff The Maharishi
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