The Ripple Effect - Struck the right chord !

"Cognitive Intelligence coupled with Organizational Behaviour results in the net overgrowth of a group, mind you - group and NOT a team. Understanding the nuances helps us grasp the cues, mind you not queeeuees , it is cues from an organization to acclivate our self esteem . . blah blah . .intelligence . . blah blah . .phsychology. . .blah blah . .SHTUdentsh "

yaaawwn...this is what we were all doing in unison during the Humanities Lecture hour. All were getting bugged up, scratching their legs, poking their pen into another's ear, tapping on the desk, messaging ....and many such uncouth stuff was going on !

Some guys were trying to crack some jokes, a few ripples here and there, some struggling to attract some people, some making all kind of gimmicks to get people to notice them ;)

Then suddenly, one guy cracked a one liner - just a single line - with a melancholic tone and a slight drawl - - in an unassuming manner and went back to his activity of scratching his legs - - - immediately a small circle around him became silent - - there was a sudden wave, a strong ripple and spontaneously started the giggling . . the ripple spread, a huge circle around him started to giggle , then snigger, then laugh , then guffaw and then to cry ! the ripple was slowly passed on and quietly died away. The people in the front or who the ripple did not touch were bemused !

There is this person, scratching his legs - the epicenter , around him there is a circle of laughing students - the wave, laughing till they cry. Outside this circle, the unaffected region was untouched, the silent observers who still couldn't get what has happened.

The observer - the professor ! has no clue what is happening, he stopped his lecture on Organishational behavioursh and was stumped !

This person, scratching his legs - struck the right chord and triggered the Ripple Effect !

Just as a ripple dies of in a few seconds, this huge small incident died off and the students continued to scratch their legs and poke their pen into people's ears, and the prof continued - "you should know how to behave in a community, mind you community not claassh . . ."

ha..ha...ho.ho..HA Ha HA...HAHAHAHAHAHAAHa...aahh.haaaa.ahahaha...sniff..hahaha.sniff The Maharishi