The life of a . . . . . . .

Aaah, thats a nice breeze . . picks it up and carries it along through the twists and turns, throughout the world to all nooks and corners. It slowly detaches itself from the breeze and slowly settles down, to stay there for a long time or maybe just for a few seconds.

Very minuscule, weightless but very powerful . . does not die and is never born. What exists always exists, just moves from place to place occasionally with the wind and predominantly due to some mysterious magical powers of nature.

It likes to settle on stagnant bodies, loves to sit there for a long long time so long that it settles there permanently. It grows in size, attracts its numerous relatives to gather around its new found home. They settle, they accumulate, they Stay ! Often, certain octa limbed species frequent it's abode. It simply adores it's new found home that it just cannot leave it, so it Stays !
Day or night, afternoon or evening . . makes no difference to it . .all it cares is that its abode is stationary.

Then comes the villain - picks up a huge hairy weapon and with a mighty sweep demolishes it's resting place, kills its relatives, the villain starts shaking its abode, it falls down heavily with a heavy-soft THUD. Another might sweep . . SWOOOSH ! ..a gust of wind . . . and away it goes again. . . to be carried by the breeze . . to unknown places . . to nooks and corners . .to ancient buildings . . to hostel rooms ( :P ) . . . to many many unknown places . . . its there everywhere . . always there everywhere . . . it cannot die and is not born . . just carried from place to place by the mysterious magical forces of nature . . . . .

the life of a dust particle.........

aaaaaaa...chu...aarghh...aaaatchu hcu....umm..aa..atchu....i have dust allergy - - -The Maharishi


Sundar Rajan G S said...

very nice!

Anonymous said...

Nicely written! :) But being a Maharishi, how can you afford to have a dust allergy? Everytime a rishi sneezes, a curse if flown out. *Shivers* at the thought..