Barber's Anti-Climax...

"Will you first go to the barber's and get your head shaved" - my mom ! ...that was one of the first things she said when she saw me yesterday morning when I reached home !

Today morning, with a lot of grumbling I tumbled out of bed and cycled to the barber's. Oh man, I'm getting very very lazy !
An old man greeted me there at the saloon - "Please come in" , in I went, a perfume scented room, a 4-bladed fan trying to rotate and an old FM radio was screeching on a arbit local FM.
I sat down on a creaky bench and picked up a tamil daily - it has lots of nice nice pictures !!! I waited for the old man to finish of shaving one of his frequent customers.
"Please come sire, what would you like ?" -- "Give me a trim short enough to comb my hair" - said me.
I parked my bottom on the chair, and with an artistic wave he placed a towel around me and tied it neatly around my neck. He sprinkled some water on my head and - "pat, paaat, PaPaPat, pat pat pat , sssappaat" - he gave a nice massage and started off with his slow smooth exuberant motion with snipping of my hair. Slow and steady, up went the comb, the scissors was waiting and SNAP, down fell my hair ! again went the comb, another SNIP ...and SNAP and SNIP...slow smooth exuberant and steady. My head was his seasoned finger's cricket field. He bowled, up came my hair and SNAP caught the scissors.
Then, after what seemed like years, pleasant years, slow smooth years, he placed his instruments on the table, flexed his fingers and cracked his back. Oh my god !, what an experience, this 15mins with the barber....a psychedelic feeling - this guy rocks ! I simply enjoyed every second with him, his musical pattering, the harmony and rhythm with which his scissors much comfort and a nice feeling ---all for such a small amount (at least i thought so) ....he is an old man....shouldn't charge me much....

"aaaah, sir, you look perfect, that's the best I have done today,,, that will be 70 rupees"-------------------------------- Eh ????

It's time Mahesh learnt that cutting his hair is too expensive, that's why we rishi's do not bother to do that ---The Maharishi


Adithya said...

"...tamil daily - it has lots of nice nice pictures..." [:D]

nice post da...very good picturisaton...

AJ said...

So this means you are now bald? Welcome to the league.