Time has dual nature...

This week I experienced duality of time !!

This semester started on Monday (for me!) and I decided to start setting the patches on the drum pad (for a couple of songs that our music troupe plan to perform in a forthcoming event) on the same day. We thought we could finish all the settings by Friday and break off for pongal and resume a complete practice with the entire troupe from next week. So, we thought, we have 5 days, lets leave Monday and start off from Tuesday. OKAY! ....blah blah...ohoh..heheh..hihi..zzZZ..Yaawwnn....Hi ..!!
eh..?..what happend.?? ....IT's FRIDAY !! what happened to Tue, Wed n Thursday ? I just landed in Trichy...Monday....decided to set pads on Monday....well..tuesday seemed a nice day to start off...and ...and....IT's Friday ! ...Time...went ...soooo fast !

This winter holidays, I spent in Bangalore, I was a Research Assistant in IISc. Well, it was tough, yea, real tough and I got screwed all the way. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it and was a nice experience (my posts under the label IISc Life quotes some interesting experiences). But, I spent the entire 4.5 weeks in Bangalore, didn't go home at all. Semester Exams got over on Wednesday, I caught Mysore Exp on the same day and went to Bangalore, reached there on Thursday. My appointment as an RA began from Friday and went on till the Saturday before the Monday on which my college resumed. I really yearned to go home during the pongal holidays which was just one week from the day college resumed. So, I landed in Trichy....Monday...and couldn't wait for the Friday to go home..meet my family...enjoy pongal. Oh my god !, I had to wait 5 whole days....at laassttt !!..IT's Friday !!...Time...went..sooo slow...!

------- So, in that week - I landed in Trichy....Monday....I had time till Friday to set the drum pads...I had to wait till Friday to go home....and....................................'ts friday already ?? ...at last 't s friday !!!

Duality of Time - - - The Experiences of the Researcher----Time is slow and fast -

Nature exhibits duality in LIGHT (particle and wave nature) .... and....TIME (fast and slow)


't s time Mahesh realised that 't s he who controls his time --- The Maharishi